This is a marketing communication. Please refer to the prospectus / the information document according to sec. 307 para. 1 and 2 KAGB and to the PRIIPs KID before making any final investment decisions.

derigo I Company profile

BVT’s investment management company derigo: Consolidated expertise for the future

The BVT Group, headquartered in Munich and Atlanta with additional offices in Berlin, Cologne and Boston, is a bank-independent asset manager. For more than 45 years, it has been paving the way for German private investors and institutional capital investors to a wide range of opportunities offered by international tangible asset investment. The focus is on the asset classes of real estate in the USA and Germany, energy and infrastructure, private equity and portfolio concepts.

The German Capital Investment Code (KAGB), which went into effect in 2013, created a whole new world for closed-end investment concepts. By founding derigo as an independent investment management company within the context of KAGB, BVT has ventured into this new, regulated world of funds. derigo unites know-how from the areas of tangible asset investment and private equity investment which is valuable throughout the BVT Group. As the initiator, derigo is responsible for developing all of BVT’s closed-end AIFs and the management of these funds. In addition, it manages the BVT Funds that have already been issued and involve ongoing investments.

As a joint venture between BVT Holding and Dr Werner Bauer, Managing Partner of Top Select Management GmbH, the company unites the many years of expertise of the two partners in investments in the areas of German and US real estate, real estate project developments, investments in energy and infrastructure, private equity and the multi-asset segment (tangible asset portfolio). The renowned bank Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe Privatbank AG acts as the legally prescribed depository of all AIFs managed by derigo. derigo Verwaltungs GmbH, under the management of Tibor von Wiedebach und Nostitz- Jänkendorf, Dr Werner Bauer and Claudia Bader acts as the legal representative of the investment management company as a liable shareholder.


Obligation to invest sustainably

Climate change, scarcity of resources, urbanization, technological progress, increasing energy demand, demographic change and growing demands on the healthcare sector are challenges that require sustainable concepts and solutions. Consistent operating companies can produce products in this market environment and develop and offer services, that will lead to a long-term contribute to a resource saving solution to the challenges mentioned. Taking sustainability risks into account, sustainable Investments sometimes even have a higher expected profitability than conventional products, so the early focus on sustainability can also mean a competitive advantage in the long term.

derigo signed the UN “Principles for Responsible Investment” (UN PRI) in 2019. The United Nations (UN) has been promoting these Principles since 2006. The UN PRI, currently with currently over 4,900 signatories – with managed assets of more than USD 120 trillion (source, Annual Report 2023) – the largest initiative for implementing, pursuing and monitoring these Principles worldwide. derigo’s decision to observe UN PRI is a continuation of BVT’s decades of dedication to investing in regenerative and sustainable energy sources in particular, as well as in the real estate and multi-asset segments.

derigo I Contact details

derigo GmbH & Co. KG
Rosenheimer Straße 141 h
81671 München
Phone +49 89 5480660-0
Fax +49 89 5480660-10
E-Mail: info(at)